QDRO Checklist
See this section of the online Guide for all of the information you’ll need to assist the participant with having funds transferred to an ex-spouse.
QDRO Checklist
You must check “yes” to all of these questions in order for the domestic relations order to be a QDRO.
Is the participant’s name, current address and Social Security number on the order?

Is the alternate payee’s name, current address and Social Security number on the order?

Does the order identify the actual name of the plan (not the name of the Master Plan — the ABA Retirement Funds Program) to which the order relates?

Does the order indicate the amount or percentage to be paid to the alternate payee from the participant’s benefits and the definitely determinable date (also referred to as the “date of determination” or “valuation date’)?

Does the order indicate the number of payments, the time period for payments or the total amount to be paid to the alternate payee?

If another QDRO exists for this participant, will payments to the alternate payee under the latest order neither conflict with the previous QDRO nor cause the plan to pay benefits in excess of 100% of the participant’s benefit? (If another QDRO does not exist for this participant, check “yes.”)

Would the type of benefit or form of payment required by the order normally be payable under the plan (regardless of the participant’s employment status)?

Is the form of payment required by the order a form other than a qualified joint and survivor annuity with the alternate payee’s spouse as the surviving beneficiary?

Is the order signed by an authorized official, such as a magistrate or judge?

If the order requires payments to be made to an alternate payee before the participant’s employment ends, does the order state that the alternate payee can request payments to start immediately? (If the order does not require payments to be made to an alternate payee before the participant’s employment ends, check “yes.”)