About the Plan Administrator's Guide

Your role as a Plan Administrator for your firm’s plan in the ABA Retirement Funds Program ("Program") is very important. You are your plan’s representative for your participants. You are responsible for providing them with support. And you provide Voya Institutional Plan Services LLC., recordkeeper for the Program, and member of the Voya® family of companies, with necessary information about the participants at your firm.

This Guide is divided into sections — most based on major plan events, such as contributions and distributions. Most sections begin with Highlights — a snapshot of your responsibilities for administering the plan, as well as those of the plan participant and the Program. The Highlights also include step-by-step instructions on how to complete plan transactions.

Throughout this Guide, you will find pictures of the forms and instructions to help you submit information to the Program. For a list of the forms, see “Forms” under Forms, Tools and Resources. A Site Map and a Search function are also available to help you find the information you need more quickly.

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