Archives: Events
Program’s Annual Census Offer to Provide Nondiscrimination Testing and/or Calculation Contributions
For plans with a plan year end of 12/31, a communication will be distributed asking if assistance is needed for contribution calculation and/or nondiscrimination test for the 2024 plan year.
Annual Account Statements
Annual Account Statements are available.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
The Program will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
IRS Form 1099-R Mailed and Available Online
The IRS Form 1099-R is mailed to all participants who received distributions in 2024 and are available online.
IRS Form 1099-R sent to IRS
The IRS Form 1099-R is sent to the IRS by January 31.
401(k) Plans and Corporations Return the Employee Census to the Program
If you sponsor a 401(K) plan and/or your firm is a Corporation: Return the Employee Contribution Census to the Program. Check, correct and complete the Employee and Contribution Census after receiving it via email from the Program. If you have not previously provided the Program with a participant’s termination or rehire date, or your newly … Continued
President’ Day
The Program will be closed in observance of Presidents' Day.
401(k) Plans Participant Distributions of Excess Salary Deferrals and Earnings
401(k) Plans: Necessary participant distributions of excess salary deferrals and their earnings as a result of exceeding salary deferral limits through the end of 2024 must be reported to the Program and paid to the participants by March 15. You will need to submit the Corrective Measures for Contributions Form to do so.
401(k) Plans: Submit the Corrective Measures for Contribution Form
401(k) Plans: Any excess contributions and excess aggregate contributions which resulted from a failure of the annual nondiscrimination tests must be distributed by March 15, or your firm will incur a 10% excise tax on the amount of the excess contributions and excess aggregate contributions which were not timely distributed. If your firm’s plan fails the … Continued
S-Corporations Partnerships 2024 Employer Contributions Due
S-Corporations and Partnerships: 2023 employer contributions for your firm’s plan should be sent to the Program by March 15. If your firm extends its income tax return due date by six months, you will have until September 15 (this statement assumes your corporation’s tax year is a calendar year). Remember that you may have assets in your plan’s forfeiture reserve … Continued
Self-Directed Brokerage Account Participant Statements are distributed
The self-directed brokerage statements will be distributed.
1st Quarter Account Statements
First quarter account statements will be available.
Sole Proprietors and Corporations: 2024 Employer Contributions Due
Sole Proprietors and Corporations: 2024 employer contributions for your firm’s plan should be sent to the Program by April 14. If your firm receives an extension of its income tax return due date, you will have until October 15. Remember that you may have assets in your plan’s forfeiture reserve account that either may be … Continued