Since California introduced its retirement plan mandate, many small law firms have complied by offering the CalSavers program or a private plan. But did you know that there’s an American Bar Association (ABA) member benefit that may allow you and your colleagues to save more and worry less? Patrick Conlon, Regional Director, provided updates on the latest on the California retirement plan mandate and how the Program can offer you and your staff a flexible, responsive alternative. In this session, we’ll help you understand:
• Are you in compliance with California law?
• Key features of CalSavers vs. the Program
• How to evaluate your retirement plan options and choose the best fit for your firm.
Our Program was created as an ABA member benefit more than 60 years ago. We understand the legal community and can help you offer a plan that meets your needs at a competitive price. Webinar attendees will receive the opportunity for a free consultation to help you compare plan options.
Please read the Program Annual Disclosure Document (April 2024) carefully before investing. This Disclosure Document contains important information about the Program and investment options. Registered representative of Voya Financial Partners, LLC (member SIPC). © 2024 ABA Retirement Funds Program