Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs) and SDBAs

The Program will process the QRDO award from the Program’s core investment options. However, if the participant maintains a Self-Directed Brokerage Account (SDBA), and the SDBA assets are specifically included in the QDRO award, certain additional steps must be taken as follows:

  • The alternate payee must be provided with an SDBA application so that he/she can open an SDBA in his or her name. In order to complete the asset transfer from the participant’s account, the SDBA assets will transfer to the alternate payee’s SDBA .
  • The participant should provide you with a spreadsheet or a letter of direction concerning the SDBA assets. If the SDBA contains equity holdings or shares of mutual funds, the asset transfer can only take place with whole shares, not partial shares. Therefore, the participant will need to decide how to incorporate the terms of the QDRO by providing direction on the portion of the award that pertains to the SDBA.

The alternate payee’s SDBA Application and the participant’s letter of direction should be included with the QRDO and QDRO Review Sheet when submitting the materials to the Program.